Bless your heart for writing in for you cousin.and her son.
I too have Peripheral Neuropathy, and had Cancer 23 yrs ago. Yet very blessed to not have the neuropathy in my hands. I'm 44.
As far as I know from being almost exactly where your cousin is.
Disabled myself. No she can't unless she is able to take her Medicaid away or take a deduction in her SSI in liu of money she is making.
See they cut that bigger SSI check in just about half if she want to try and work. Yet she will need to go back through the hoops of Medicare and SSI to get the ok from her own doctors and there's that she is no longer in need of Permanent Disability and be changed to prove she can do it. They will change her status to "on as needed."
Then another hoop to prove she can work no less or no more than 24 hours a week for 6 months without a sick day in that time.
All a big narly pain in all of our butts so to speak. Took me almost 2 solid years just to get on disability.
If she can get to a pain specialist to help her with her feet and hand pain. Methadone at tiny amounts can help her almost 95 percent with the pain. There is also a drug called Lyrica that is the new Neuropathy med that actually works. Acupuncture helps tremendously also,
If I were you or your cousin. I would go to the SSI building where she first got all the paper work started. An appt to see a counselor and have your ?'s written down prior to the appt. Call first by phone for the appt. Duh geez ;> Good luck.