2006-08-13 10:52:37 UTC
This is my Plea.
My son battles this disease called CANCER everyday, and I myself am a two time cancer survivor.. But this is neither about me or my son.
This is about us as a whole. These United States. We the people....
Here are some facts for you my source is The American Cancer Society, www.cancer.org)
This year 1,399,790 will be diagnosed with cancer before the end of the year..
Here is just a few state statistics.
Florida: 98,960 new cases
N.Carolina: 40,890 new cases
California: 136,680 new cases
and so on.
Now, of these 1,399,790 new cases over 700,000 of them will be male, and over 600,000 will be female. Even further,of these over ONE MILLION cases, an estimated 564,830 of these diagnosed patients will DIE.. Yes that many
Amazing I know
With all we have done in the fight against cancer it is still not enough. In my bio it speaks of the work I have done with the American Cancer Society. I have been a volunteer for the past 7 years. I started the fight for my son. NEVER knowing that I would be a victim. But you see,that is just it . I AM NOT A VICTIM... I am a SURVIVOR. and there are many like me. But there are many more that are TRUE victims. They lost the fight. They are our ANGELS.
I and MANY like me participate in a function called Relay for Life every year. It is an 18 hour over night team fundraising event, we raise money for many months leading up to the night of the event. Many join these teams because in one way or another they have been touched by cancer,you know my story.The monies we raise are used of course to fund research but it also helps on a local basis as well, less than 5% are admin. costs. WE are a volunteer based organization. To put an number with it there are Relay For Life events than there are WAL-MARTS
I am NOT asking for money, nor will I.
Jay and I will be traveling to Washington D.C. on September 19th and 20th for an event called Celebration on the Hill.
We are there to ask our Congressman for his help in the fight against cancer.
Most importantly to ask for more funding for cancer research..
Last year, 92 U.S. Senators and 280 members of the U.S. House of Representatives responded to our request to sign a letter to President Bush affirming his Administration's goal of eliminating suffering and death due to cancer by 2015.
Now, we are asking those signers and all Members of Congress to sign the Congressional Cancer Promise. The Promise is a commitment by Members to support our federal legislative agenda. It outlines specific legislative goals that can have a major impact in moving us forward in the fight against cancer.
You can find this information at www.acscan.org
But we are not alone. Some 10,000 cancer survivors, caregivers, doctors, family and friends. Will walk on the capital steps together with ONE VOICE telling our "higher ups" OUR VOICE WILL HEARD and we are sick of this disease.
The goals for Celebration on the Hill 2006 include:
Making cancer a priority with elected officials
Expanding advocacy outreach
Advancing a healthy public policy agenda
Mobilizing the American Cancer Society Cancer Action NetworkSM
The most important reason for this post is this. On Wed. Sept. 20th at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time in Washington D.C. a hush will fall around the reflecting pool... as 20,000 candles (Luminaria) will be lit in Honor or in Memory of all those touched by this disease... I ask of you this and only this. As we light the night I ask you to place a luminaria in front of your home. In honor or in memory. Not for Jay and I , but of whomever, if you are among the few who have not been touched in some way please light one for those who have .. If you are able to take a picture of it please do so .. and then send it on to me as I wish to give these photos to my congressman .. A picture is worth a thousand words. I will hand deliver these to him so he can see that not only were we 10,000 strong in D.C. we were UNITED all over America.. What a tribute you guys, to all those who have fallen, or all the voices who cannot speak because they are to weak due to treatment. Pass this on to your friends and family .. Lets light a candle for the OVER 1,000,000 that will be touched this year. Please join me,us..
Another way you can help is on the 20th if you are unable to light a candle and you have access to a computer ,send an email to your congressman ( you can have and easy link at www.acscan.org ) Copy and paste this if you wish
Dear Sir or Ma'am,
Though I cannot be there to join my friends today in their Fight Against Cancer, I support their efforts and hope you will too.
(Place a personal story here is you have one, keep it brief and to the point)
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter,
Please help our voices be HEARD.
My son was given a terminal diagnosis, he and many others need our help.. Do it not for me. But for HIM. He needs us.THEY NEED US !!!
Please post this in bulletin or email or whatever ... Help me spread the word to light the night.