how long does chemo usually stay in remission before the cancer comes back?
2015-04-28 16:13:58 UTC
i know somebody who is taking chemo and he's currently in remission after a year. I know from reading about this subject, and from hearing about other people who had cancer, that chemo usually comes back after that.

but how long after remission does the cancer usually take to come back and show symptoms?

how long after remission should a cancer patient go back to the oncologist to check up so he can get more treatment?
Nine answers:
2015-04-28 17:27:34 UTC
Generally your check ups start getting further apart, from monthly to 2 monthly, then 3 monthly then 6 monthly, then annually.

Some people are unlucky and can find the cancer has returned after less than 1 month.

My mother had 15 years before hers returned.

An aunt had a recurrence with in 5 years, then further remission and further recurrence after about 30 years.

I have a sister in remission for 20 years, another sister in remission for 15 years and my brother and I have been in remission for over 10 years.
2015-04-28 16:21:01 UTC
Chemo is the treatment it's the cancer that goes into remission. You must nieed to read better.
2015-05-01 19:00:28 UTC
It is important to help the body fight the disease by keeping the cells healthy. Chemo kills the cancer cells and weakens the normal cells. There is a simple natural approach to strengthen the immune system so that the cancer will not come back. Read this article and share it with your friend.
2015-04-28 16:17:56 UTC
Sometimes cancer never comes back. The doctor will tell the person how often they need to be seen. The longer since treatment the longer between checkups. You can considered "cured" after 5 years but you still need checkups because it can still come back or you have something new.
2015-04-28 18:16:46 UTC
Chemo doesn't go into remission..
Mark IX
2015-04-28 16:18:17 UTC
What sort of cancer? How old is your friend? How advanced was the cancer? Yes your friend should see an oncologist regularly, how regularly would be up to the oncologist (given he has all of the necessary information you've failed to provide us here)
2015-04-28 17:06:03 UTC
Cancer can come back in less than a year, or it can come back decades later. There is no set formula.
2015-04-30 02:24:47 UTC
They need to change their diet to something a lot healthier and cut out dairy meat and sugar for a start
2015-04-28 22:31:45 UTC
1. In chemo preceded by radiation/surgery, the remission ranges from 5-30 years.

2. The post chemo postphones death and it can be prolonged further by good diet, exercise and positive thinking.

3. Exercise=Yoga Kapala Bhati, Bhatrika and Pranayam. Vajrasan.

4. Healthy Diet*, not only boosts-up immunity power for prevention of any ailment, but also to help for fast recovery from cancer and Thalassemia and any other dreaded and incurable disease. Post chemo patients can prolong remissions and prevent relapses for life.

In Ur diet* U may include aloe vera juice, raw vegetables, green juices, raithas, salads, sprouted seeds, dry fruits, nuts,wheat grass powder, noni juice, black tea, green tea, water melon, papaya, yogurt, fish, etc.--and

1. Exclude cooked food, burgers, pizzas, noodles, Chowmein, [deep freeze & deep fried mutton, chicken red meat, beef, pork, grilled meat, etc.], salt, pickles, processed food stuff, baking soda, chocolate, tea, coffee, colas made in India, Nutra Sweet with aspartame, etc. Frying, grilling, and broiling meats at very high temperatures causes chemicals to form that may increase cancer risk. alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, canned foods, cured or processed meats, aged cheeses, cultured dairy, MSG, and aspartame.

Green* Tea- Rich in antioxidants rendering instant energy. In the inter cellular space, oxygen is present. If the inter cellular oxygen gets exhausted, due to autoimmune disorders, it leads to malignancy. Green tea prevents exhaustion of such oxygen and prevents cancer.

• How to prepare it? In a cup of boiled water, add one tsp of green tea powder and close the lid tight for 3 minutes and filter it and add 1 tsp of honey and take it hot hot. You can have instant energy.

1. Black* Tea- ensures to dissolve renal calculi/kidney stones in 21 days.

How to prepare? Take a cup of water + 1 tsp of tea powder and boil it until it becomes half cup after evaporation. Add another half a cup of hot water to it and filter and drink it hot-hot in an empty stomoch in the morning and evening. Do not take anything for next 15 minutes. It widens blood vessels in the kidneys and breaks renal calculi to be excreted in the urine.

2. 1. All dry fruits are safe and anti-cancerous-to boost up immunity levels. A diet rich in fruits-----cured several incurable and dreaded diseases, like Cancer, Thalassemia, HIV, Brain & Spinal cord affected disorders, Muscular Dystrophy, Autism, Nuro muscular Syndromes, Parkinson's Syndromes, etc., per our experience.

3. 2. They are rich in fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, energy, micro-nutrients, vitamins, calcium, etc.

4. 3. A big tree develops just from a small seed.

5. 4. Dry fruits are safer with no side effects than raw fruits. Why? Because, When they're under the hot sun, they shrink with absorbed omnipotent sun rays'/solar energy. Dry fruits hold latent energy; which gets released when soaked under water overnight. When you eat soaked seeds and drink water, you shall have lot of energy absorbed into the body.

6. Take 90% curry and 10% rice/roti in your lunch or dinner.

7. How to combat excessive heat generated in radiation and or chemo?

1 tsp of black pepper + 8 tsp of misri/sugar crystals -----Put them in a Mixie and such powder be stored in a glass bottle. Take 1 large spoon powder and add 2 glasses of plain water and drink in the empty stomach in the morning.

8. Constipation* Permanent cure---Simple Remedies--As and when U get up from bed, in the early morning, after mouth wash, just take 2 glasses of plain water. and then 2 hours after breakfast/lunch/dinner take one glass of water every one hour. Finish Ur dinner before sunset; so that u can give rest of 12 hrs., to Ur digestive system for the fecal matter to move down Ur intestines for its total purge.

5. After sitting on the toilet seat, just massage hard Ur chin [below the lower lip] with Ur thumb and middle finger for 3 to 5 minutes continuously. It shall make hard stools soft and Ur defecation shall be total. The entire rectum gets vacated completely.

Diet Restrictions: In Ur diet U may include aloe vera juice, raw vegetables, green juices, raithas, salads, sprouted seeds, dry fruits, nuts,wheat grass powder, noni juice, black tea, green tea, etc.


Moles*-identification marks-are birth marks given by the God to most of the human beings. Unless and until U note any change in the size, color and asymmetric shape; nothing to be panicky. I'm 66+ “young” with all the organs intact and functioning up to optimum levels. I have more than 100 moles on my body, covering every organ, since birth. Prudent to take it easy and forget. As per Indian sentiment, a person with moles on gonads is blessed with lot of libido; which is totally satiated for life. I never care to bother about any of my moles.

Much before, it is too late, prudent* to see a general surgeon/local homeopath/dermatologist for physical examination, relevant investigations, accurate diagnosis and permanent cure by medication and or surgical interference. Much before the advent of super-specialties like nuero/pediatric/cardiac/renal/gynec/brai... gastro-enterology, and ENT etc., all these surgeries were conducted by general surgeons. Hence, a Surgeon’s approach is most appropriate and accurate. A good surgeon suggests cheapest and accurate diagnostic investigations only to ensure permanent cure.

When the sun shines on bare skin, your body makes its own vitamin D. This is the major source of vitamin D, but it's not enough for many people. Fair-skinned people might get enough in 5-10 minutes on a sunny day, a few times a week. But cloudy days, the low light of winter, and the use of sun block (important to avoid skin cancer) all interfere. Older people and those with darker skin tones don’t make as much from sun exposure. Experts say it's better to rely on food and supplements. Tanning/Tattoos drive U towards melanoma, skin cancers, etc..

Heat* Excess Heat Reduction:

1. Aloe Vera Juice = 30 ml + 1 tsp of honey t.d.s.

2. Make a powder with 1 tsp of black pepper + 8 tsp of misri/sugar crystals, and store it in a glass bottle. Take 2 glass of water + 1 large spoon of such heat reducing powder in an empty tomach daily in the morning.

3. • Pranayam*: The easy four-step way –

1st step: Inhale the air counting 1,2,3,4.

2nd step: Then keep the air in the lungs counting 1,2,3,4. Close eyes, nostrils for strucked-up inhaled oxygen to pump into brain, eyes, throat, ears, etc. It increases lung capacity to withhold oxygen.

3rd step: Then exhale the air counting 1,2,3,4. To drive out blocked energy + toxins from affected organs cited in Step-2.

4th step: Pause-do not inhale counting 1,2,3,4. This ensures rest to lungs to recuperate by leaps and bounds.

5th step.

Then repeat 10 to 15 times, three to four times a day and with practice go on increasing the count to 10. During the pause, the lungs will get rest and are revitalized.

Once you reach a count of 10, you do Pranayam as follows:


Inhale counting 10

Retain counting 20

Exhale counting 10

Refrain-Pause counting 10.

i.e., 1:2:1:1

All the above steps shall regulate your body heat.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.