I am sorry to hear about your current situation. Let me try and shed some light on all of this for you.
1. Benign: This means that there is a growth or cluster of cells that are not malignant. This does not necessarily mean that you have cancer or that the lump has characteristcs that could transform into a cancer. Glands, cysts, and other things in the body can be benign, all this means is that it is not cancerous or dangerous.
2. There are some benign conditions, typically in the brain that can become life threatening. This happens when the area in question begins to impinge on the spinal cord or other organs that are vital to functioning. Considering that yours are in the neck and arm pit, I would say you do not have to worry about them being life threatening.
3. Lumps in your armpits, neck region, cold sweats, nausea, and bad UTI's....do you also have frequent urination? I would say that you need to go seek an opinion from your physician and have him order a CT scan and some blood work.
4. To me it sounds as if you have the classic symptons of hodgkin's lymphoma. Here is a link to the national cancer institutes information page: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/hodgkinslymphoma
5. I would suggest going back to your primary care physician and asking him that you would like further testing done. Hopefully this is just swalloen glands due to an infection or stress, but none the less, with the symptons you are speaking of, I would have it checked out.