any ideas for staying healthier & to prevent any kind of cancer/cancerous cells??
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
any ideas for staying healthier & to prevent any kind of cancer/cancerous cells??
57 answers:
Bond James Bond
2013-10-23 03:32:33 UTC
My ex wife ate very healthily and died young from breast cancer ,so it doesn't matter what you eat
2013-10-23 04:39:52 UTC
enjoy life then die with pure smile .. there is nothing permanent for you ..
2013-10-23 03:48:01 UTC
Don't smoke. Don't get sunburned. Get regular Pap smears. Get a colonoscopy when you turn 50. Keep an eye on your skin for suspicious moles. Get breast lumps checked by your doctor or get a mammogram. Those things will do more good to prevent cancer or allow it to be detected at an early treatable stage than all the diets in the world.

You may not be able to prevent cancer entirely because it's a result of aging and the changes in DNA when you get older. More people get cancer nowadays because we are not dying young of things like heart disease and smallpox. It's not always something that you can avoid. Good luck to your father in his treatment.
2013-10-23 03:12:23 UTC
Regular wellness checkups. If you have a history of cancer in your family, being checked by a doctor on a regular basis can help catch anything abnormal before it becomes a full blown cancerous tumor.
2013-10-23 08:27:04 UTC
Native traditional? Were they raised in the woods? Eat healthy, lean protein, fruits, veggies, and exercise. That's all you can hope for.

ASIDE FROM ALL THE WEIRD ANSWERS,@ Not Telling, your answer is SO basically wrong, I am amazed!
2013-10-23 05:38:58 UTC
Anti-oxidants are supposed to help.
2013-10-23 05:24:57 UTC
I think daily juicing would help. Try juicing vegetables and fruits, they contain antioxidants which helps prevent cancer cells.
2013-10-23 05:12:29 UTC
Best Answer Avoid Junk Food, Physical exrcise, Monthly Check-up, Eat Food In Proper Time.. Thats All.
2013-10-23 03:47:45 UTC
You cannot 100% prevent cancer (some unlucky people do everything right and still get it and some lucky people do everything wron and not get it), but you can lower the probability of getting it by.

Maintaining a healthy weight (through diet and exercise)

Lots of green vegetables, more unprocessed foods and whole grains (ie brown rice rather than white)

Don't eat too much saturated fat

Less fried (particularly less deep fried food)

Less meat (in particular less red meat)

No processed, cured or fermented meat products

No smoking (obvious, I know)

Limit alcohol intake

Regular exercise

Don't drink boiling hot drinks (add a bit of cold water or let cool for a bit first).
2013-10-23 03:20:34 UTC
Excercise daily eat fruit and vegtable to be healthy,some food prevents cancer cells these foods are:Garlic,Brocoli,Kiwi,Blueberries and some more food.Becareful and do checkups since both of your parents have cancer you have a high chance of getting cancer too.And oh yeah drinking a FRESH slice of lemonade juice also reduces some types of cancer
2013-10-23 04:17:38 UTC
Air purifiers would be first on my list. The number one cause of cancers is impure air. Ionizers are excellent at cleaning the air. HEPA filters are too.

Diet-wise, this is best: NO strawberries( usually sprayed with 13-17 pesticides). Lots of fruits and veggies. Generally canned veggies have a lot fewer pesticides, but more salt. You can buy low-salt ones in some places. But salt isn't really bad cancer-wise, it just needs to be regulated if you have high blood pressure. Eat less fatty and red meats and more chicken and turkey. No nitrates or nitrites(the preservatives in wieners and sausages). You can buy turkey wieners and Applegate lunch meats that are preservative free. General reduction in weight if you are overweight helps you avoid cancer, as does a reduction in sugar, which causes inflammation. Inflammation increases your cancer risks.

Eating more nuts, rather than meats, for protein, is more healthy overall, and pumpkin seeds have been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer significantly. Dr. Oz supports the use of pumpkin

seeds to cut the risks of breast cancer. The spice tumeric is an anti-inflammatory that can be added to your foods. The herb Feverfew reduces inflammation and migraine headaches. I use Solaray brand (excipient free) that I buy online. Eating fiber reduces the risks of colon cancer. All-Bran cereal and oat bran tablets are good to eat.

Eating cruciferous veggies (esp Brussels sprouts and broccoli) are good for cancer prevention.

Almonds are also good. V-8 juice original is good, or mixing your own veggie and fruit drinks with a blender. Milk from Braum's (no fat) is not only tasty, but lasts forever in your fridge because they have their own cows and don't use antibiotics. Yogurt(live cultures and plain) is also a good source of protein. Avoid plastic containers and plastic tv dinners. Most plastic containers contain a cancer causing chemical called BPA. Also if you drink bottled water, never leave it in the heat. The best thing is to get a good commercial water filtration system or PUR filters, as BPA leaches into water and foods from plastic containers. Braum's uses no BPA in their plastics.

Use less plastic in your home and more wood, stone, cotton and metals. Plastic breaks down over time and you breathe it. Don't expose yourself to pesticides or yard sprays, tick or mosquito sprays or any unnecessary chemicals. Even room sprays and some room perfumes are harmful. Clean with peroxide, dulute clorox and baking soda.

Basically, cleaner air, eat canned veggies and fresh nuts, as few as possible plastics or cancer causing chemicals and stay slim. Stress reduction helps too.
Christin K
2013-10-23 04:45:53 UTC
I don't recommend any specific dietary supplements or changes except one: eat fewer fats and sugars. These are primary causes of bowel and digestive system cancers--but there are hundreds of types of cancer that have nothing to do with diet or dietary changes--such as skin cancer, brain cancer and lymphomas. You cannot "prevent" cancers by adding dietary changes--you can help your digestion work better by eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and low in fats and sugars, but this won't prevent or stave off any cancers that are not digestion-related. Cancer isn't ONE disease--it's a whole bunch of them. And sometimes there isn't much you can do about it. Breast cancer can be genetic, for instance.

Exercise and a generally healthy life-style certainly help--but they are no guarantee. People can still get cancers--lung cancer can happen even if you don't smoke. Leukemias can happen when you have been entirely healthy--uterine and testicular cancers can also happen without any "reason" caused by diet OR exercise. Your best bet is to eat healthy, exercise, stay out of the sun and use sunscreen, don't expose yourself to toxic chemicals, and have good genetics. And that's STILL no guarantee.
2013-10-23 04:58:13 UTC
1) Healthy diet - there are a lot of foods that boost the immune system or make your body inhospitable to cancer cells. Notably, cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts etc) and dark berries (blueberries, raspberries, etc). Take a look at and see which foods are known to be good for fighting or preventing cancer.

2) Regular checkups - things like colon or breast cancer are very easily treated if caught early. If you have cancer in your family, get regular checkups.

3) Exercise and rest - The human body can deal with a lot if you make it strong and give it rest. Avoid excessive stress and overwork.
2013-10-23 04:13:16 UTC
Eat good fresh food. No grasy stuff. Excercise daily. Not a major workout but something like a 15 min sweat workout. ( do it at home outside park with family) drink lots of water I recommend mountain spring water.

Also fruits vegetables. Greens reds onions etc. try to Get a few organics as well. Wash them well

Also. Chemicals are bad. In my opinion and facts. So. Wash your make up deorderant. Befor bed. Brush good.

Also. Cut back. On junk food. Gasy drinks.

Also. Stay positive. And. Go to the doctor. And. Get checked up when u do have the opportunity.

And don't stress out. With yourself family. And others. Vyouve made it this far. Stay happy.
2014-10-04 14:35:43 UTC
, but still nobody should have to have that happen to them. Can you imagine life is fine and then you feel something and go to the doctor and a month later you are dead.

reduce radiation exposure, so cut back on cell phone use and don't keep it next to your body, like one girl did on youtube, stuck in in her bra and then she got a tumor in that area. Don't use laptops on your lap, that is a lot of radiation, don't live under the giant metal power lines, and don't live too close to cell phone towers, a couple of blocks away should be ok, but no closer.

juice vegetables, at least once a week, more if you can afford it and have time
You may be right
2013-10-23 05:46:53 UTC
I hear ya, my dad died of cancer too, but he was really old, but still nobody should have to have that happen to them. Can you imagine life is fine and then you feel something and go to the doctor and a month later you are dead.

reduce radiation exposure, so cut back on cell phone use and don't keep it next to your body, like one girl did on youtube, stuck in in her bra and then she got a tumor in that area. Don't use laptops on your lap, that is a lot of radiation, don't live under the giant metal power lines, and don't live too close to cell phone towers, a couple of blocks away should be ok, but no closer.

juice vegetables, at least once a week, more if you can afford it and have time

cabbage is really good, broccoli is really good, very important vegetables

immunizations have chemicals in them that are bad, maybe if there weren't chemicals in them, they might be ok, but I don't want that cancer stuff in me.

exercise, that is really important

proper amount of trace minerals and minerals and vitamins are really important, but synthetic kind aren't much good, sometimes even worse, you want whole food vitamins, I take Sea Nourishment for the trace minerals, and then the capsules for the other stuff. It's impossible to get what you need through only food since our soil is depleted of what is needs to make good food.

some green tea once in a while is good too

get enough sunshine

you can learn more from this website, it's pretty good

I just wanted to add one more thing, Teflon pans have a chemical in them, so use steel pans when possible, even I still have 1 Teflon pan left but steel is safer.

They can all down me all they want, buy when they get cancer they will wish they had done some prevention.
2013-10-23 04:17:03 UTC
Preventative medicine is definitely the way to go. Good job taking the first steps to leading a healthier life. One of the most important things to consider is your diet. Start by avoiding foods that contain high artificial sugar concentrations. A high fructose corn syrup intake has a correlation with liver cancer and is found in many artificial foods. Start by purchasing fruits and vegetables that are organic or from your local farmers market. Make sure to excercise regularly and to drink a lot of water. Avoid exposing your skin to the sun or tanning, as this causes the hydrogen bonds holding your DNA together (on your skin cells) to break which can lead to mutations in the DNA which then leads to cancer, and can also cause other skin problems and wrinkles to appear. Limit your fat intake and always lean towards natural healthy fats and oils ( nuts, olive oil, avocados).
2013-10-23 04:15:46 UTC
I've heard that onions are a good anti-cancerous food along with the pith of an orange which has anti-cancerous qualities. And I've also heard that certain yogurts are also a very good defence against cancerous cells.

Regular check ups are also important. Also, because both your parents had cancer, there is a slightly higher chance you may have it too. Therefore, I suggest you get screened for it as soon as possible.

Cancer cells thrive on sugar therefore, cut down on it and eat fruit and vegetables. You should also exercise.
2013-10-23 05:46:26 UTC
Every one of these answers you have comes from the world. Have you noticed that whatever comes from the world has never solved anything!

NEWS FLASH Jesus defeated cancer 2000 years ago.

Believe it and receive it and break this cancer curse over your family by declaring your belief in what Jesus did for you with His blood on the cross. Cancer is a tool of the devil and you have authority over it if you are a believer and Jesus is your Lord and Savior. You'll find your answer in the two scriptures I give you.
2013-10-23 04:10:48 UTC
very sorry for you loss. loss my dad to cancer too. #1 exercise promotes good cellular health and cancer is a cellular disease. # 2 eat whole foods, fruits veggies and grains as your primary source of food rather than as a side. these two things are proven scientifically over and over. i would add if u cant get enough water at least drink tea (no sugar) and avoid products with names you cant pronounce ( really if you cant say hey abc product comes from xyz why eat it cuz you really are what you eat). look up foods for cellular health but be aware that there is no magic pill gimmick, cancer is either caused by environmental causes (chemicals at work or dumped near your home) or personal choices ( poor diet/ exercise) but usually a combination of both and since its harder to control environmental factors diet and exercise are key. also note that is been proven that overcooked/ burnt food such as the black from a steak done just a minute too long or a overdone pancake and fries cause free radicals to spike so really try to avoid overcooked/burnt foods
Pillar of Autumn
2013-10-23 05:19:47 UTC
Cancer stems from genetics and the enviorment as well as the substances you put in your body. You cannot prevent it and if your parents get it your likely to get it too. The foods you mentioned sound like a chore to eat/are not natural enough.
2013-10-23 04:08:47 UTC
2013-10-23 04:24:16 UTC
This is a huge topic. There is much you can read about out there. But which information is right and which is wrong? You may have noticed that what was being said ten years ago someone has written a whole book about and declaim it all. Why was it good then and isn't now? There is a lot of misinformation.

For one thing I don't trust the FDA. They have ben paid off many times I think, to let a new drug or chemical into the market and into our food. Big seed companies have genetically modified seeds for wheat to produce bigger grains and yield more grains per seed head to swell their PROFITS. It is also impossible to grow these same seeds into a plant with the same characteristics. Again, it is for profit and to corner the markets. This also makes everything made with those seeds suspect. My wife is practically a nutritionist, she knows so much about food. We have read that the breads made from today's wheat are nothing like the old breads. Wheat products have changed so much that they are worthless now. Even though they may LOOK nice or taste good, they are high in sugars and low in anything beneficial they once had. Avoid all bread except maybe dark rye bread.

Fruits and vegetables are LESS affected by all this but are also bred for long shelf life and appearance. Apples are an example of this. Almost tasteless now and just a chewing exercise compared with what was available years ago. Eat LOTS of fruits and vegetables but beware of herbicides and insecticides used on them and other chemical treatments.

Hair products, toothpastes and dental fillings made of amalgam are VERY dangerous. My wife says she can taste in her MOUTH what she has used on her head at times. What you put onn your skin is absorbed into your body too. Just TRY to read and pronounce he long list of chemicals in shampoos! My wife makes our shampoos. She says all a shampoo needs is an oil, water, and a simple soap and an essential oil for fragrance such as coconut, or vanilla. Search for and use only those products that stick tot he very basics and you will be healthier. She makes our own toothpaste, too. Do the same with toothpaste. The fillings are a real controversy right now. read about that: too much to explain here.

Do you drink diet pop? The artificial sugar , aspartame or saccharin or one of those COMBINE in the body with the nitrates and nitrites that the FDA approves and health department REQUIRES in EVERY prepared meat: sausages, all the deli meats bacon, franks, sliced meats all contain these. But if you have a water well and have nitrites in your well the health department will CONDEMN your well and you will not be able to use it. It is OK in food though! What hypocrisy! So if you eat these meats and have any aspartame it CAN produce cancer.

The nitrates, a meat cutter explained to me, HAVE To BE put in the meats to prevent buildup and formation of harmful bacteria. Oh really? What ever happened to freezers? Why not make the sausages and freeze them WITHOUT the chemicals for public safety? No bacteria can build up if it frozen.

So you see we are being fed a LOT of CRAP and not just information but FOOD. Best is to buy a beef roast, slice it and freeze the slices for sandwiches if that is what you must have for school lunches or work. I always wanted to get a good meat slicer. You can makes sausages, too by grinding meat YOU know is prefect only and stuffing it and then slicing it: chicken turkey, etc.

Buy locally grown fruits and vegetables IN SEASON but not raspberries in december and stuff out of season like that. We need to force big stores to buy local again or go out of the fruit and veggie business. But above all, YOU need to choose, preserve, eat right and so protect your OWN health because the FDA and health departments will NOT do it FOR you.
2013-10-23 03:11:28 UTC
2013-10-23 04:36:48 UTC
Avoid stress, and unexpressed emotions (!), don't smoke and don't overdo meds when you are ill. drink water with lemon juice and honey 30 minutes before breakfast, do fitness, and don't get irritated, sleep not less than 7-8 hours a day. As for the healthy drinks - all the fresh juice is good,healthy food - avoid fried popato) Good luck!
2013-10-23 05:15:52 UTC
Moderate exercise and eat non processed foods
Frank W
2013-10-23 04:22:42 UTC
I can only tell you that I have lived 56 years. I've been to the doctors 8 Times in 56 years, I take vitamins daily a whole sort of them I don't use the multi vitamin I use individual vitamins A, B complex D, E, etc, I drink 2 percent milk, I don't exercise when I was in my late teens early twenties I worked out then I got married we had two beautiful kids I smoked for 5 years 3 packs of cigarettes day and I quit when my daughter was 6 months old and have not smoked since aand she just turned 32 this past April. I would just say do everything in moderation weather its drug alcohol exercise life in general do it in moderation, be honest with yourself, If you think you're getting a little overweight get off the couch go for a walk stay busy is the only thing I can tell you, Cause if you keep moving you never grow old, I stay busy at my age I feel really good, I see guys my age that are on their last leg. I mean my wife's brother just passed away and he was 50 years old he didn't take care of himself. When it comes to death when God pulls your bingo ball, your going, it won't matter how you lived and what you did or what you had. While you were here. Cause you never know when your ball will be pulled. Just live one day at a time. Enjoy Life. Hope that helps. Both of my parents died at 63 years.
2013-10-23 05:08:33 UTC
It's really obvious :) Eating vegetables, fruits, exercises, less computers, TV or phone.
2013-10-23 04:47:06 UTC
the most, best common way, is to eat fruit a lot, in my country a lot of people who eat fruit doesn't get any kind of ill, or bad things so fruit and vegetables are the best way to do that.

i hoe a healthy and wealthy life f u
2013-10-23 05:08:52 UTC
Regular exercise, clean water and only eat natural foods as much as possible.
2013-10-23 04:19:15 UTC
Avoid GMO (genetically modified) foods.

Live/eat naturally (no food additives) here you can find some good articles how to live naturally: :)

Also go outside and avoid using too much your mobile phone and other electricity. Here is good document about how electricity harms us:

Everybody should see it.
2013-10-23 03:59:12 UTC
Look at the Gerson Therapy. Their success rate at beating cancer is in the 90% area and they have been doing it since the 30's. Using their techniques as a prevention to cancer would be great.
2013-10-23 05:10:16 UTC
(things that might not actually have a scientific basis) eat foods with antioxidants,

(things with scientific basis) : avoid radiation dont smoke
2013-10-23 04:16:18 UTC
I read in an Indian Newspaper online something about chlorine causing cancers
2013-10-23 05:30:16 UTC
Anit-cancer superfruits

- blueberries

- grapes

- mangosteen

- goji berries

- avocado

- apple

- dragon fruit

- acai berries

- pomegranate

- strawberries

- kiwi
2013-10-23 04:12:21 UTC
stay away from processed foodstuffs.

hydrate properly.. stay away from recycled water... bottled is better. (no matter what your government claims)

stay active.. least 30 min. a day, get that body sweating.

learn to breathe properly... a body denied of proper oxygen intake is a sick body.
2013-10-23 04:20:24 UTC
Eat fruits & vegetables that are red
2013-10-23 03:50:30 UTC
Do ten kapalbhati pranayam regularly a great indian breath taking exercise to prevent all type of major minor disease including cancer .. u will see effect in 1 month as u ll be going much healthy & onion garlic awla....avoid taking of any type of toxins like tobacco joyful & be positive.
2013-10-23 04:42:13 UTC
Eat fruits or vegetables often.
2013-10-23 03:48:41 UTC
There is NOTHING you can do to prevent cancer. Some people smoke into their cancer.

Some people eat bacon and eggs, greasy foods all their life and live to be 94 (my Father). Others, who have never smoked, get lung cancer. There is no rhyme or reason. It is the luck of the draw and your family genes. Since both of your parents had cancer, it is fairly safe to say you will also, no matter what you do. That is life.
2013-10-23 04:43:28 UTC

2013-10-23 04:15:25 UTC
just stick with herbs and vegatables and become a vegan meats are what kill us and try to grow your own garden(if you live in the country) if not then go to an organic store who carries such veggies,prayer helps too
Grand Duchess Lady Protector
2013-10-23 03:29:25 UTC
Asparagus, B17 seeds, these are the best to prevent cancer. Other vegetables, watercress, broccoli, spinach, carrots, brussel sprouts, beets, squash, and fruits.

However, recent articles point to triggers that commence cancer cells to start multiplying. It's brain programming. People who think that because they have the gene that sets off the cancer set themselves up for cell death. Deprogram yourself and this may change your cell life path.
2013-10-23 04:06:05 UTC
Pocahontas regardless of those all healthy measures i suggest u give your life to God because thts clearly a generational death spirit tht wants to destroy all your family tree/generation. Put God first n the devil n his spirits of infirmity wil flee frm your prayers of miracle healing dedicated to your dad..i prophesy a long cancer-free life 4 him, he is free nw in jesus' name..go nw thank n praise the Lord 4 ths grt miracle
2013-10-23 04:34:26 UTC
if i will say you will not like but if you will take out your ovum once a week you can prevent cancer.dont take it in other mind
2013-10-23 10:40:50 UTC
Raw eggs and spinage... sit ups, squates, and they have great stomach wraps that make you lose 1 inch off of your body fat almost immediately!!!
2013-10-23 03:30:16 UTC
Exercise and eat bludberrys
2013-10-23 04:07:53 UTC
And with this reply I reach 7000 points!!! (Edited to explain: appreciate the small things, it decreases stress, which burn vitamin C necessary for healing and detoxify) Aw~ I'm glad it's you~ This is my speciality. Thank you so much for opening your mind to possibilities.

I have a page for that, easier than on the spot:

Health ~ Cancer ~ Cancer cures

You're not going to like the answer...

Your mother didn't die of cancer. Cancer is the cure. It's the last ray of hope for survival. What she really died from... is prolong chemical exposures...

She died from the poisons that were claimed to be good for her... chemotherapy is one of them.

To flush toxins out, you first need to stop pushing them in. I have adrenal fatigue:

What I have to say about it can save even cancer patients. You can't turn toxins in fat or cancer into muscle, could help them be sweat out, but I'd say rest because exercise is a stress that burns vitamin C.

In the purpose of fat

I explain that it's there to seal toxins away from vital organs, and when it's no longer enough, you get tumors to seal them there.

Only make him eat life forms that are still fresh and not dead and mutated by heat. Trash the microwave. Now.

Trash all house hold products, if it smells good, it's poison.

Use baking soda for everything!!! EVERYTHING!!!!! Especially your body. I just wash, but if I had cancer, I'd put a cup in my bath. It's so powerful that it can detoxify some radioactive substances. Doctors used it with success to treat cancer but I think they used injections. If you ban all dead or chemical products, it will be similar, because the alkaline PH of greens will help clean the acidic poisons.

Buy vitamin C, if you can convince a doctor to give an IV of it, they tried 1/4 of a kilo in 24h without problems. Otherwise I'd reach bowel tolerance, (until you poop liquid) they say 1g per hour for best absorption, I do 4g a day, I add 5 every hour if I feel pain of distress... If I had cancer I'd take a bottle a day. Taken every 30 minutes...

It works.

Watch Hungry for change. I suggest more in the adrenal fatigue page.

People die from radiation and it grows back, and people get cured without any doctors... because it,s a survival mechanism to prolong life in a deadly situation, get rid of the poisons, all chemicals, and you'll be ok. I even use eco nuts (dried fruits) for laundry.

I couldn't walk or breathe and now I do, doctors mocked me, called me crazy and almost killed me with their drugs... and when they bothered passing tests 10 years later, I had 2 chronic diseases.

Forget everything that you were told. It's killing you. Trust nature, you are biology, bio will save you. Life will prolong your life, not chemical toxins, they're the problem in the first place.




Coriander binds to heavy metals.

Everything green. If you can afford it, juice vegetables and add kale.

Take care... because doctors don't know how anymore. They're glorified pushers. Hyppocrates, the father of medicine, said "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food"

You've been lied to. Exploited. Abused. And lied to more to protect profits.


Feed on life... and you will live.

Maybe it's too late, we all have to go when our time come, but no matter when it will be, doing this will give him back his quality of life.

You're made of them... so you might have started with more toxins than they did... so do it for yourself too.

There is a much better way to live than what you were told. Change will help you find it.

2013-10-23 04:05:46 UTC
Look at all advices here and most of all be cheerful and make others around you also cheerful - let the good enzymes flow all over your body - whatever to happen will happen - so pray to god that his designs may work on you.
The Invisible Man
2013-10-23 04:23:49 UTC
Lots of fruit juices! Lots of fruit.
2013-10-23 03:50:21 UTC
Good will towards others and yourself is the best prevention against cancer.
2013-10-23 03:23:51 UTC
doing physical exercise.
2013-10-23 03:48:54 UTC
Take Spirulina every day in breakfast

it has anti-cancer properties.

Just google it ''spirulina anti cancer''
2013-10-23 04:14:20 UTC
it dont matter.we all got it.just dont be a fat slob and sit on your *** all day.
2013-10-23 04:03:33 UTC
Stay dit
2013-10-23 03:17:11 UTC
avoid carbs,use more vegetables,relax and work out.
Not telling!
2013-10-23 06:13:58 UTC
Ok wow a lot of weird answers .. Short answer: everything you've ever been taught has been wrong, you need to let go of everything you've learned about the food pyramid nutrition and "what you need" and replace those teachings. Below is the quickest shortest crash course on cancer and nutrition I can give you, and referenced materials for a more in depth look:

The truth is the more organic all natural unprocessed food you eat the better. Wild animals don't get cancer (they get eaten yes but no cancer; fact) why? because they eat their natural diet. Things people don't like to hear: 1. Humans were not created to consume meat. proof: we do not have meat eating teeth (like cats or dogs) and our intestines are much longer (like every plant eating animal out there) 2. A cancer cell is a stem cell that isn't doing it's job (fact) in order for a stem cell to do it's job i.e. grow into a normal functioning organ or bone cell it needs the Right nutrients. All these nutrients can be found in raw fruits and veggies. 3. processed food has little to no nutritional value, fast cooked food is also processed. A meat eating animal (which normally consumes raw meat) has a shorter intestine so that the meat passes through faster than it will break down and decay. Humans cook their meat to slow down this process, and avoid getting sick. If you have cancer I highly recommend checking out the Gerson diet. If you don't like to read you can watch "The Beautiful Truth" I believe it's on Netflix. If you just want to avoid cancer stay away from as many poisons as possible (smoke, drugs, GMO foods, radiations, chemicals that absorb into your skin, flouride, chlorine, make-up hair spray lotion etc) and consume as many live plants as you can afford. If you don't like eating veggies get a juicer and drink them. There are a lot of good juice recipes out there that make consuming veggies tastier. Oh and If it were me I'd stay away from the peanut butter. (opinion based on my own years of research some people would disagree with me but it is my believe that protein especially meat protein is linked to cancer cell growth)

Back ground Info: Dr Max Gerson's therapy has been curing cancer for over 70 years naturally, without chemo. Also it might be beneficial to look up DMSO and Colloidal silver (not sure it will help your dad but I've heard of what they call an over night cure using these liquids) DMSO is derived from tree bark, and I'm honestly not sure what colloidal silver is but i've heard nothing but good things about it.

beneficial foods list:

Apples! that saying about eating an apple a day very true (watch "A world without Cancer" on youtube)

eat the seeds! best place to get Vit B17 (make sure they're organic)

Hippocrates soup (a tomato based puree' type soup)

Carrot apple juice (1 granny smith apple and enough carrots to make 8 oz)

Green juice (romaine, swiss chard, beet greens, watercress, red cabbage, green pepper, endive, escarole, and 1 granny smith apple)

Orange juice (freshly squeezed not store bought 8 oz)

Other veggies that are important: asparagus, green beans, celery knob, cauliflower, chives, lettuce (all types), chicory, radishes, beets, scallions, spinach, broccoli, eggplant, artichoke, potato, leeks zuccina (you can cook these) they say you can eat corn but most corn is GMO in the USA.. fyi: GMO are genetically modified which means strands of their DNA is removed or animal DNA is put in to prevent the plant from being killed by a pesticide (usually round-up) pesticides are then absorbed into the whole plant (not just on the surface) these pesticides are "safe for human consumption" but very not safe for the plant like good bacteria growing throughout your digestive track that help your body break down and absorb nutrients your body needs for cell growth (research anything on GMO's) here's a great place to start:

Basically anything organic non GMO and raw will be the best for you.

stay away from processed dressings

if you drink milk drink very little and use raw milk

most herbs are ok

garlic and onion dressing: 1/2t of lemon or wine vinegar, 2t water, 1t brown sugar, a little finely diced onion, 1 clove finely diced garlic, herbs to taste (normally stay away from sugar)

Cooked foods:

"All veggies must be cooked slowly, over a low flame, with little or no added water. {covering the veggies helps keep moisture in and prevents sticking}...the slow cooking process is very important. All vegetables should be "done" or tender. Valuable components' are lost in fast cooking... because the components' cells burst, the minerals go out of their colloidal composition and become more difficult to be absorbed" "The Gerson Therapy" by Charlotte Gerson pg 331

Facts about refined sugar flour and basically any processed white product. It all has the same chemical make-up and is as addictive as cocaine "fast-burning carbohydrates—just like cocaine—give you a rush. As with blow, this rush can lead to cravings in your brain and intrusive thoughts when you go too long without a fix. But unlike cocaine, this stuff does more than rewire your neurological system. It will short-circuit your body. Your metabolism normally stockpiles energy so you can use it as fuel later. A diet flush with carbohydrates will reprogram your metabolism, locking your food away as unburnable fat. {having a hard time getting rid of fat on your body despite all the exorcize? this is why} When you get hungry again you won't crave anything but more of the same food that started you down the path to dependency. Think of this stuff as more than a drug—it's like a metabolic parasite, taking over your body and feeding itself."

peas beans lentils etc are good raisins are a good sweetener, all organic fruits and berries (keep in mind that your body will turn these things into sugar, healthy sugar yes but you can still gain weight if you consume too much)

I know this was a lot to read but I hope it was helpful I'm sending your father many healing thoughts and prayers good luck!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.