And with this reply I reach 7000 points!!! (Edited to explain: appreciate the small things, it decreases stress, which burn vitamin C necessary for healing and detoxify) Aw~ I'm glad it's you~ This is my speciality. Thank you so much for opening your mind to possibilities.
I have a page for that, easier than on the spot:
Health ~ Cancer ~ Cancer cures
You're not going to like the answer...
Your mother didn't die of cancer. Cancer is the cure. It's the last ray of hope for survival. What she really died from... is prolong chemical exposures...
She died from the poisons that were claimed to be good for her... chemotherapy is one of them.
To flush toxins out, you first need to stop pushing them in. I have adrenal fatigue:
What I have to say about it can save even cancer patients. You can't turn toxins in fat or cancer into muscle, could help them be sweat out, but I'd say rest because exercise is a stress that burns vitamin C.
In the purpose of fat
I explain that it's there to seal toxins away from vital organs, and when it's no longer enough, you get tumors to seal them there.
Only make him eat life forms that are still fresh and not dead and mutated by heat. Trash the microwave. Now.
Trash all house hold products, if it smells good, it's poison.
Use baking soda for everything!!! EVERYTHING!!!!! Especially your body. I just wash, but if I had cancer, I'd put a cup in my bath. It's so powerful that it can detoxify some radioactive substances. Doctors used it with success to treat cancer but I think they used injections. If you ban all dead or chemical products, it will be similar, because the alkaline PH of greens will help clean the acidic poisons.
Buy vitamin C, if you can convince a doctor to give an IV of it, they tried 1/4 of a kilo in 24h without problems. Otherwise I'd reach bowel tolerance, (until you poop liquid) they say 1g per hour for best absorption, I do 4g a day, I add 5 every hour if I feel pain of distress... If I had cancer I'd take a bottle a day. Taken every 30 minutes...
It works.
Watch Hungry for change. I suggest more in the adrenal fatigue page.
People die from radiation and it grows back, and people get cured without any doctors... because it,s a survival mechanism to prolong life in a deadly situation, get rid of the poisons, all chemicals, and you'll be ok. I even use eco nuts (dried fruits) for laundry.
I couldn't walk or breathe and now I do, doctors mocked me, called me crazy and almost killed me with their drugs... and when they bothered passing tests 10 years later, I had 2 chronic diseases.
Forget everything that you were told. It's killing you. Trust nature, you are biology, bio will save you. Life will prolong your life, not chemical toxins, they're the problem in the first place.
Coriander binds to heavy metals.
Everything green. If you can afford it, juice vegetables and add kale.
Take care... because doctors don't know how anymore. They're glorified pushers. Hyppocrates, the father of medicine, said "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food"
You've been lied to. Exploited. Abused. And lied to more to protect profits.
Feed on life... and you will live.
Maybe it's too late, we all have to go when our time come, but no matter when it will be, doing this will give him back his quality of life.
You're made of them... so you might have started with more toxins than they did... so do it for yourself too.
There is a much better way to live than what you were told. Change will help you find it.