I have a really strong feeling I have nasal cancer?
2015-04-30 18:17:39 UTC
Okay so I've had lumps in my nostrils and a VERY swollen nose in general to the point it looks disfigured now.

It's always grtting red and inside it's deep red with white growths etc.

I get severe headaches and extreme fatigue. It's persistent.

I can't focus.

I'm always tired and weak. My nose is always runny and hurts like hell.

I have a really strong feeling it's cancer but I've been to 2 crappy doctors who said it's a rhinitis infection should go in a week with antibiotics and nasal spray which I tried and didn't work. I've had this huge red swollen tender lump for about 3-4 months now.

It's truly painful and taking over my life. People judge me just cuz my nose looks so swollen.

Help !!!!
Nineteen answers:
2015-04-30 19:54:08 UTC
Your strong feeling is no substitute for the years of training and experience of the doctors you have seen. Have a problem? Get followup. Can't get an appointment? Go into A&E.

Don't self-diagnose yourself with cancer. Dr. Google is not your friend.

You don't have cancer.

(Cancer among teens is rare. While it is true that it happens, it doesn't happen very often. Especially with nasal cancer.)
2015-04-30 18:48:44 UTC
There are about 440 cases of nasal cancer in the UK every year. the vast majority of them are in people in their 50s or older. If a 15 year old had nasal cancer, it would be probably one case every decade, or longer.

You don't have nasal cancer. You are a being dramatic and ignoring a real medical issue with a fake one.
2015-05-01 16:46:49 UTC
Red, painful lumps are usually not cancer, and this is not usually how nasal (or nasopharyngeal) cancer presents.

However, I would be concerned about infection with resistant bacteria, like MRSA. Have you had a swab done to identify any bacteria, or did they just give you antibiotics? I'd be requesting a swab to see if it's MRSA, since many antibiotics will not work against MRSA.
2015-08-26 14:16:07 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


I have a really strong feeling I have nasal cancer?

Okay so I've had lumps in my nostrils and a VERY swollen nose in general to the point it looks disfigured now.

It's always grtting red and inside it's deep red with white growths etc.

I get severe headaches and extreme fatigue. It's persistent.

I can't focus.

I'm always...
2015-04-30 18:49:43 UTC
You sound as though you have sinusitis. If you have this or nasal cancer you'll need to see a reliable doctor and get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
2015-05-01 03:12:03 UTC
When your mother drops by the office tomorrow she should suggest an appointment right away with an Ear Nose and Throat specialist...tell her not to take no for an sounds like they are giving her the run around.
2015-05-01 03:15:43 UTC
Sounds like classic rhinitis. Did they take a swab? Possibly an antibiotic resistant infection.
2015-05-03 11:10:07 UTC

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2015-05-01 04:52:10 UTC
Haha they're gonna amputate your nose and you're gonna look like Voldemort. Good luck, Voldemort.
2015-04-30 18:19:15 UTC
do you really think you are more qualified to diagnose cancer than 2 medical doctors?
2016-03-13 14:44:14 UTC
Problems with kidneys or liver can cause a strange taste or odor in your mouth and on your breath.
2015-04-30 21:54:42 UTC
1. It is very painful to note your agony duento nasal inflammations and infections.

2. My dear lad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, do not be taken away by your own ideas and start worrying with hasty conclusions of your own.

3. • Pranayam*: The easy four-step way –

1st step: Inhale the air counting 1,2,3,4.

2nd step: Then keep the air in the lungs counting 1,2,3,4. Close eyes, nostrils for strucked-up inhaled oxygen to pump into brain, eyes, throat, ears, etc. It increases lung capacity to withhold oxygen.

3rd step: Then exhale the air counting 1,2,3,4. To drive out blocked energy + toxins from affected organs cited in Step-2.

4th step: Pause-do not inhale counting 1,2,3,4. This ensures rest to lungs to recuperate by leaps and bounds.

5th step.

Then repeat 10 to 15 times, three to four times a day and with practice go on increasing the count to 10. During the pause, the lungs will get rest and are revitalized.

Once you reach a count of 10, you do Pranayam as follows:


Inhale counting 10

Retain counting 20

Exhale counting 10

Refrain-Pause counting 10.

i.e., 1:2:1:1

4. Maybe, it is not more than a boil/abscess/pustule/cyst/carbuncle/furuncle/benign and localized tumor.

Prudent* to see a general surgeon/local homeopath [for less costs]/dermatologist for physical examination, relevant investigations, accurate diagnosis and permanent cure by medication and or surgical interference.

Because, in all chronic issues with complicated & confusing symptoms-involving many organs, I prefer a General Surgeon, who shall be accurate in arriving at the right diagnosis by pin-pointing the affected organ[s]/tissues and ensures fast relief with surgical interference.

Much before the advent of super-specialties like nuero/pediatric/cardiac/renal/gynec/brai... gastro-enterology, oncology, and ENT etc., all these surgeries were conducted by general surgeons. Hence, a Surgeon’s approach is most appropriate and accurate. A good surgeon suggests cheapest and accurate diagnostic investigations only to ensure permanent cure.

Whereas, for all acute problems/issues, a physician hits the symptoms/diseases with say, 10 stones/medicines with the hope that a few stones may hit with dramatic relief. But, it does work in many cases & with ‘no side effects’.

. Cancer Fear Psychosis*:

“An Empty Brain is Devil’s Workshop”

Every visitor should come out of "Cancer-Fear-Psychosis" by studying and discussing with others. None gets cancer overnight. Malignancy develops over years. Details follow----

Carcinophobia/Lymphomaphobia: Fear of Cancer--Please, note that none gets cancer overnight. It takes years to develop any cancer/tumor. The main problem with the most of "You" youngsters is that you people are either dynamic or genius or intelligent or shrewd and sharp intellectuals. The TV channels & Internet are instrumental to ‘YOU’ that it is a fashion to start worrying about ‘CANCER’ for each & every symptom. It is very bad & agonizing trend which is totally wrong. It is becoming a psycho-somatic nuisance for the gullible & innocent youth---------not withstanding their advanced mental acumen.

You people start worrying with half or no knowledge. How ever, Yahoo Answers blog is an "oasis" in the desert of confusion and worry & the blog became a “safe sanctuary” for the poor, middle class & the gullible patients all over the globe. People with carcinophobia or cancerophobia live with an irrational dread of developing cancer. Every bodily discomfort becomes a sign for them that they have a malignant growth somewhere inside. A headache, for instance, is a sign for them that they have a brain tumor. A cyst/an enlarged lymph node, for instance, is a sign for them that they have lymphoma cancer. A cyst/an abscess/menses linked pustule on breast/armpit is taken as breast cancer. Mouth/gingivitis is taken as oral cancer.

Beware of Cancer Symptoms: Sudden loss of weight/stamina, anemia, unbearable pains in any organ despite medication, neuralgia, getting extremely tired for a little or no work, loss of appetite, unhealed wound in any part of the body for years together, chronic constipation, chronic hemorrhages, hemoptysis, etc. Cancer may affect from any organ to any organ[s]/system[s].

a. Prevention is feasible by avoiding the causes.

b. Cure is feasible by Target Therapy.
2015-04-30 18:55:56 UTC
Go back to your doctor.
2015-04-30 18:18:27 UTC
See an ENT
2015-05-01 10:00:40 UTC
I have my doubts, based on the following:


"If you have a neurologic problem that is severe enough to see a neurologist, you probably do not heal your body in sleep as perfectly as you once did. Most of us who have **** headaches ****, tremor, balance difficulties, vertigo, burning in the feet, depression,**** body pain ****, or memory loss have abnormal sleep and, surprisingly, fixing the sleep can fix the neurologic problem. From 2005-2009 I performed sleep studies on most of my patients and used medications or sleep masks to try to help their sleep. In 2009 I accidentally discovered that most of my patients had abnormal sleep because they were vitamin D deficient.

Low D affects all the blood cells: There are D hormone receptors on the red and white blood cells. When the white blood cells don’t have enough D they get confused, they start attacking our body by mistake. So all of the autoimmune diseases: multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and ulcerative colitis, are related to low D hormone. Our own white blood cells travel through our bodies at night seeking out and killing cancer cells".

It may well be that a deficiency in vitamin D is causing your white blood cells to attack those in your body, particularly the nose, because that is where many bacteria, viruses, and fungi enter the body as we breathe.

Obviously the only way to be sure is to have your blood tested, but note that what doctors regard as a vitamin D insufficiency is completely different to that of the vitamin D experts, so they are likely to dismiss levels of 30, or 40 ng/ml as being in their "normal range". I strongly suggest that you test your levels soon, and in the meantime, read and take notes on the articles at and view Dr. Mercola's lecture, etc.

View my comprehensive previous answer about vitamin D at If supplementing, (the non preferred method, according to ) use only vitamin D3. Also view & & Consider the UV meter shown in at

Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D (59% of Americans have levels that are depleted, or deficient; 95% for those with greater melanin pigmentation) will reduce the risks of contracting many diseases, and speed recovery.

The govt. RDI of 400 IU daily is long outdated, according to vitaminDwiki, and Dr. John Cannell, at, Dr. Weil, at, Dr. Ben Kim, at, Dr. Axe, at, Dr. Gominak, a neurologist at and Dr. Mercola, at all agree that an RDI of 5000 IU daily is not excessive, although higher levels may be required as people age, and / or put on weight. My doctor, on the basis of several peer reviewed studies, also agrees that an RDI of 5000 IU daily is not excessive, and it is virtually impossible to get the required amount from dietary sources, without the risk of toxicity.

There are currently differing medical opinions on what is the ideal range for achieving maximal benefits, with minimal risks; I formerly adopted 45-52 ng/ml (115-128 n mol/l), but am now opting for 60 ng/ml - 80 ng/ml (150 n mol/l - 200n mol/l) with 60 ng/ml (150 n mol/l) as my target.

Vitamin D is not a true vitamin, but a hormonal substrate (secosteroid) that is vitally important for the activation of almost 3,000 genes in the body. has low cost, blood spot vitamin D testing; click on testing at the top of their webpage.

You could enhance your microbiome (both the beneficial and harmful bacteria in your digestive tract, which produce a large proportion of your neurotransmitters, and some vitamins) by regular consumption of fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, tofu, soy sauce, or natto, and take a probiotic, preferably one with an enteric coating. Perform an internet search for supplies.

Adopt a diet with minimal sugars and / or highly processed grain products, with more non starchy vegetables, protein, some complex carbohydrates, such as legumes, (beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas) or brown rice, some sourdough rye bread or seed and nutloaf, and 2, or 3 pieces of fruit, as well as probiotic yoghurt.

I distinctly remember runny nose and inability to focus being associated with vitamin D insufficiency, although I can't pinpoint the source article(s), and have spent a fair amount of time looking for them, but failed, so have to move on, but I suggest that you educate yourself on the subject, and test tomorrow!
2015-04-30 18:18:07 UTC
Have you seen a doctor about this?
2015-05-03 04:28:49 UTC
According to Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, vodka dries one's brains. Smoking is censer for the devil. People who use drugs see demons who cleverly disguise themselves as aliens. Vaccines, IVs, certain foods, etc. contain nanochips and cells of aborted fetuses; intake of which leads to demon possession. If a dog is present in house or church, then the Holy Spirit will leave. Foul language calls upon Pagan deities (demons); Holy Spirit departs on seven meters. Blood contains sins; don't donate blood; don't accept blood transfusion yourself. Raw celandine (juice) cures cancer in minute amounts (like eating a leaf a day for 10 days, taking a break for 10 days, repeating three times); store this raw juice in dark glass container in a fridge for up to 2 or 3 years; add only hot water if you don't want to drink it cold; collect older celandine that is at least 20 meters away from the river from morning until 3 PM. Zodiac is planetary prison of demons; don't believe in horoscopes or you'll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons. Chanting mantras leads to demon possession; it's not the words that get you possessed; it's the rhythm. Meditation, hypnosis, astral projection, etc. lead to demon possession. Demons pretend to be ghosts and aliens. Barcode is Druid black magic curse. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good. Oral, anal, masturbation, porn, fornication, adultery, fetishes, cross dressing, etc. lead to demon possession. Sionists want to be the only white people. So, they promote contraceptives (early abortion), interracial marriage, homosexuality, abortion (aborted babies go to hell for 33 and a half years and a demon is freed from hell), etc. America will be last country to switch to Euro (antichrist's world currency). Sionists want to attack Iran. So, they need an excuse, which will be the Statue of Liberty. New Sodom (New York) will be flooded after an explosion in the sea; New Gomorah (Los Angeles) will follow after. Look at what Seraphim Rose had to endure. He was a homosexual, but repented. Now, he is one the great saints of the Orthodox Church. Pray to Seraphim Rose; he'll help you. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from hell. Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Since antichrist (born to a 12th generation prostitute, flying, big-nailed, gloved, pale-faced, red-eyed, Satan-possessed since he's 12 years old, homosexual man from the tribe of Dan, who wears blue robe over left shoulder while red/pink robe is underneath just like Jesus, and is surrounded by demons but people see angels of light) is around, there is no need for disputes. 666 is not forgivable; it leads to permanent hell. 666 is given with World Passport with no name on it (grey plastic card). Police 666 people on highways. Food stores and prisoners 666 people too. Reject vaccines. Don't go into UFO to be healed by demons. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you. Pray the Jesus prayer slowly all the time: "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner". Sleep fully clothed; also, pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep. Dress appropriately for your gender. Women wear non-revealing dresses and head-scarfs tied at the front; no pants and no hats for women. Men wear pants and hats (outside only, except priests). Ask Orthodox Christian priest to bless your house. Get rid of all Occult stuff (ouija boards, talismans, amulets, barcodes, skulls, masks, astrology books, tarot cards, etc.). To break any curse, pray slowly the Psalm "The LORD is my light and my salvation" 40 times a day for 40 straight days. That's 1600 times in total. Forgive me. :)
2015-05-01 15:23:27 UTC
2015-04-30 18:20:16 UTC
====>>tips --->>>>>

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.