I'm a sixteen year old female. Since the fall I've been getting an abnormal number of minor infections (colds, flus, etc.) that have gotten more and more frequent as time has gone on. Around two months ago, my symptoms became drastically worse. I have severe fatigue, near constant nausea and head aches, and all over body aches varying in severity. I also feel really weak and become short of breath walking down the halls at school (stairs are almost painful). I've had a lot of unusual bruising all over, as well, especially in my legs, and multiple swollen lymph nodes in my neck especially. I've been to the my family's doctor around five times in the past three months. I've had a lot of blood work done, mostly normal except this last test showed iron deficient anemia and some of my thyroid levels have been off, but not bad. She's put me on prenatal vitamins for iron, but says that i shouldn't worry because my symptoms are to general to diagnose and likely just in my head. Since then I've gotten bed ridden with the cold from hell and a bout of pink-eye. I can't accept that this is nothing. I never get sick like this and I'm so done with being tired and weak and in pain all the time.
I want to ask my doctor about leukemia, but since my last CBC around two months ago was normal I know it's not likely...
Is there anything I should be looking into, should I ask my mom to find a new doctor for a second opinion? Is there something this could be that I'm missing?
Thanks in advance!