Interesting thing, Skeptic - I had followed a vegan diet for several years, and a vegetarian diet for most of my life, when I was dignosed with grade 3 cancer.
I have read The China Study; it's an interesting book, but it's just what it says it is - a study. Studies suggest possibilities for further research, they aren't proof of anything
And in many ways it's a flawed study, and Campbell is an embarrassment to many vegans because of the selectivity with which he conducted, interpreted, and presented his research. Many vegans have accepted it uncritically because it's what they want to hear and it appears to vindicate what they've been saying; many more are unimpressed by it.
It is too simplistic to argue that diet can prevent cancer; it clearly can't. Cancer affects the healthy and the unhealthy alike. I wasn't (I'm not) a junk food vegan, I always ate organic where possible, I exercised regularly and I've never smoked. But I got cancer.
I don't live in America. What's PBS?
Quote ''Based upon the first four responses, it appears that these individuals demonstrate that Americans would not want to hear about it.''
Do I have to say again - I'm not American.
And I'm a vegan - what is it exactly you assume I 'don't want to hear about'? I think veganism is the healthiest diet in the world if done properly.
And I have no interest in smearing Campbell - but I don't accept his findings uncritically just because they support veganism.
And - bottom line - I'm a vegan who's had cancer. Explain.
Edit 2: I can't see anyonre here 'fervently denying' any link between diet and cancer.
And it is universally acknowledged that a diet high in red and processed meats is a major risk factor for colorectal cancers - I don't think any medical professional would argue with that. So in places where comsumption of red and processed meat is high, incidence of colorectal cancers will be correspondingly higher.
A diet high in red and processed meat is also thought to be a possible risk factor for pancreatic and stomach cancers, and a diet high in dairy is thought to be a possible risk factor in prostate cancer.
No secret about any of that.
And yes, in some Asian countries the incidence of certain cancers is far lower than in the west. At the same time, the incidence of some other cancers is higher in Asian countries. In several Asian countries the rates of stomach cancer, for example, are horrendous - way, way higher than in western countries, including America..
Skeptic, I'm wondering if you're going to comment on the fact that vegans do get cancer.