Kevin Trudeau is a cynical, unscrupulous conman, and a convicted fraud..
He's also damn clever - a sales representative and skilled snake oil salesmen with no medical skills whatsoever who’s managed to become a multimillionaire by scamming desperate people and repeating numerous bizarre theories (wear white to prevent disease and other such bunkum). He’s a a charlatan of the worst kind.; he's laughing all the way to the bank at the expense of the vulnerable, the desperate and the gullible.
The most despicable thing about him is he doesn't care who suffers or dies as a result of his money-making scams, and targets cancer patients in particular.
People newly diagnosed with cancer are often worried to the point of terror and despair and are willing to suspend common sense to grasp at what sounds like a miracle - I know, I've been there and was on the verge of doing that myself - and sometimes waste their narrow window of opportunity for a real cure by chasing the magic bullet cures pushed by charlatans like Kevin Trudeau.
He manages to avoid a third felony conviction by skirting FDA injunctions against his previous scams; he never commits to anything; he never actually says he has a cure for cancer, while leading people to believe that their cancer can be cured if they follow certain instructions.
To sum up, a ruthless charlatan who knows a good sales pitch. Some light reading on Trudeau:
Now, that 'secret' cure. It would be impossible to keep any cure secret.
Because in order to prove any particular cure worked, many hundreds of people would have to have been cured by it in clinical trials (otherwise how would anyone know it worked?).
So...why haven't we heard from these people? Why do they never tell the story of the clinical trial they were involved in that resulted in their cancer being cured?
Can't all have been paid off - they will have been selected at random (that's how it works) so no way of ensuring they would be that unprincipled.
Can't all have been killed off - they'd have to live out their long, healthy lives free of the disease in order to prove the cure worked...
So who is benefiting by keeping this much talked about hidden 'cure' a secret?
Your dad says doctors. Doctors (and scientists, and researchers) and their families develop cancer at the same rate as the rest of the population; would they really be prepared to die and watch family members die rather than reveal this secret cure? Not to mention that in those many countries where people don't pay for their treatment, it makes not a scrap of difference to a doctor's income whether a patient has the recommended treatment or not.
Drug companies? - yes, they're in it for the money - so why would they be keeping quiet about this cure even though it would bring them fame and fortune? Any drug company discovering a cure for even ONE of the 200+ types of cancer would make far more money than they can have dreamed of making up till now, blowing all competition out of the water.
And every medical professional in the whole world would have agreed to keep existence of a cure secret. Every single one. People who went into a profession to help people would be instantly turned into uncaring conspirators who put other people's profit over their patient's lives.
Governments? - I live in the UK; we don't pay for our medical treatment, including cancer treatment. Cancer treatment costs our government untold billions - no fortunes being made there. Yet we have the same treatments as the rest of the world - no miracle cure has been revealed in order to save money.
Doesn't add up when you really think about it, does it?
Oh, and cancer isn't just one disease, it's an umbrella term for over 200 diseases. Trouble with finding A cure for cancer is that different cancers caused by different things, so no one strategy can prevent them all, and different cancers respond to different treatments so no one treatment can cure them all. There will never be a magic bullet that cures all cancer.
And anyway, cancer is cured every day. Did you know (does your dad?) that 70% of children with cancer are now cured of it?